Starting this week the City of Vancouver will allow more pop-events around town.
Earlier this year, city council showed unanimous support for a motion that will allow for more "unconventional" event spaces around the city.
In October, Vancouver's city council approved bylaw changes that will allow more flexibility for arts and culture organizations wanting to host events at these creative, unconventional venues.
These locations may include privately owned studios, warehouses, factories, offices, shops, wholesale spaces, and adjoining outdoor spaces such as parking lots, patios, and gardens.
Additionally, arts and culture organizations can now host up to six events at the same location each month, doubling the previous limit, and event organizers can now exceed the 250 attendee limit but must submit a special event plan to Vancouver Fire Rescue Services that adheres to fire safety regulations in order to do so.
Events with over 250 people must also be located in the Downtown, Downtown Eastside, or False Creek neighbourhoods, at any industrial or historic area, or at a commercial area excluding sites zoned C-1.
"We're focused on making Vancouver a vibrant and inviting city," said Mayor Ken Sim in a City of Vancouver news release.