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Peer to Peer: Find the right expert if digital is not your domain

Question: How do my clients and/or I keep pace with all the changes digital brings to business?

 SONYA GILL | Founder and CEO, Youzus

It’s funny, because when I think back to when I first began my company as a blog and to where it is now as an agency, it really blows my mind as to how far digital has come and how much it changes on a daily basis.
If I didn’t keep up with trends or regularly immerse myself in seminars or books, I know for a fact I would be very behind in the world of digital marketing.
That being said, it’s much easier for someone like me to keep up with the trends and pace of digital, because I have to. It’s my business and our strategies depend on it.
So what do I suggest to those who struggle to keep up with the daily/weekly changes?
This one is for the business owners:
One of the rules of business is: if you don’t know how to do it, hire someone who does. Meaning if you don’t understand digital, don’t waste time trying to understand it, especially if digital/social is not one of your passions.
It will take you twice the amount of time than if you were to hire an expert who could come into your office (or your clients’) once or twice a week and train you and your staff on the latest trends, tips and tricks.
You will be surprised when you begin to understand the things that digital can do for your company and for your clients.
It will not only help you, but also do wonders for your and your clients’ brands. 

LINDSAY KILOH | Brand and community manager, Peer 1 Hosting

Digital has become an important part of business. But it’s important to know that while trends provide a sense of urgency to keep pace, they are often fleeting. My advice is to be purposeful; jump on the bandwagon if it’s going where you want to go – if you can add to the Dressgate and tie it back to your company’s purpose, then go for it; if not, you’re just making digital noise.
Three things to consider:
Research: Staying up to date with the latest digital strategies may not always be beneficial for your business needs. It’s vital to do your research. One way of keeping your finger on the pulse of digital trends would be to find someone on your staff who has experience or an interest in digital, and free up some of their time for research. Time invested this way will pay for itself.
Security: Security should be the top priority in your digital strategy, particularly the protection of business and customer data from cybercrime. It’s important to note that as your business transitions into the online space and as it grows, your security needs will likely change.
Agility: Partnering with knowledgeable experts who constantly update and diversify their services will ensure that you don’t have to fear falling behind. Bringing in an expert to support your digital strategy will ensure that your business is up to date and agile, freeing up time that you can better spend elsewhere. A few years ago, everyone was hiring search engine optimization analysts and social media co-ordinators. For many businesses, that ended up being unsustainable. By leveraging external experts instead, you can capitalize on digital trends quickly, before the moment has passed. 

RICHARD SANDOR | Founder, Eustress Marketing Coaching

The accelerating pace of technological change, combined with the notion that every company is a tech company, can make digital both daunting and exciting.
It’s impossible to keep up with all the digital changes – but you can prevent getting completely left behind by getting organized right at the beginning. Get some focus. Identify your objectives. They could be to:
•Leverage new digital opportunities to create more value for your customers, clients or stakeholders.
•Ensure you are keeping pace with your target audience’s digital expectations.
•Be more efficient in operations.
•Ensure that you don’t get side-swiped by an established competitor or an upstart disruptor.
•Qualify investment opportunities.
Reflect on the bigger context of digital. Ask yourself and others, what do we mean by digital? How do we define it?
Follow top venture capital companies in the Silicon Valley. Devour digital and technology-related news sites such as the Verge, The Next Web and Mashable.
Listen to customers, clients and especially millennials. See first-hand how they are using technology.
Set up informal digital support groups. Share recent digital innovations and talk about what they mean and where they could go in the future. We had much fun a couple of years back combining Uber with driverless cars and imagining what this might mean for insurance, taxis, deliveries, car ownership, city planning, etc.
Lastly, you and your company should be in perpetual beta mode. Testing, trying and playing with apps, platforms and technologies that can enhance your business value.