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Lower Mainland toy run cancelled due to COVID-19 uncertainties – but you can still help children

Complications around organizing the annual event has resulted in its cancellation but donations and toys are still being collected by the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau
The annual Christmas toy run has been cancelled for a second year due to COVID-19 but toys are still being collected.Tri-City News/File

Due to the lead time for permits and the uncertainty of regulations around the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic, the 43rd annual Toy Run will not be happening in 2021, according to the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau.

The annual event typically raises funds and toys for thousands of Lower Mainland children, including kids in the Tri-Cities.

In the past, the motorcycle toy run started at Coquitlam Centre and made its way through city streets and on to Vancouver.

But like last year, the event involving motorcycle enthusiasts dressed as Santa and collecting toys for kids won't happen.

However, new, unwrapped toys are still needed and can be dropped off at Trev Deeley Motorcycles (1875 Boundary Rd.) in Vancouver between Nov. 12 to Dec. 24. 

"We will fulfill our mandate to both help families, and support other bureaus and agencies in 2021, but without your help, this year is going to be a challenge as so many of our events will again be impacted due to COVID-19," the bureau states.

"We are sad we aren't able to hold the Toy Run for the second year in a row, but we do want to thank all of you, our loyal and generous supporters."

The Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau supports approximately 1,000 families and provides product support to a large group of community holiday organizations and agencies throughout the region.

If you are having trouble thinking of what to donate, educational toys and items for adolescents and teenagers are always in high demand.

For more information, visit to learn about other ways to donate and how to drop-off toys.