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Sleeping on sustainability: how mattress recycling can boost your green goals

Mattress RecyclingTM helps companies reduce their environmental waste impact
Zero waste is at the heart of every decision at Mattress RecyclingTM. | Photo via iStock

Every day, Mattress RecyclingTM helps organizations meet their zero waste sustainability goals and contribute to the circular economy. 

Not only is it costly to send mattresses, box springs and furniture to the landfill, these items are up to 95% recyclable, which makes it even more essential to make the green choice when it comes to their disposal.

The B.C.-born company takes those bulky, difficult-to-recycle items, and ensures the maximum amount of material possible is repurposed, either into new products or as a coal replacement for cement kilns.

Zero waste is at the heart of every decision at Mattress RecyclingTM, and its new multi-million dollar recycling facility — located in the eastern Fraser Valley — not only has the capacity to take on large commercial clients, but it is also a low-emission facility powered by hydroelectricity.

“We strive to be as emissions-free as possible, even the vehicles and forklifts that we drive are electric,” owner and CEO Fabio Scaldaferri says.

Mattress RecyclingTM is Canada’s most technologically advanced mattress recycling facility, ensuring that more material from each mattress is recycled than ever before.

Beyond just mattresses, the organization offers recycling solutions to a broad range of North American businesses, helping make their green footprint that much deeper. Think prominent clothing manufacturers, large furniture retailers, as well as hotels, cruise ships, care homes, and hospitals looking to switch out their mattresses and furniture.

“We’ve expanded our services into textiles, carpet, car seats, appliances, plastics and more,” Scaldaferri adds. 

“Recycling these items is as easy as calling us.”

Here, Scaldaferri offers these reasons why choosing Mattress RecyclingTM can help cities and organizations meet their green mandates in an easy and cost-effective way:

Landfill space is expensive

Mattresses are bulky, awkward items that take up significant landfill space, damage equipment, and translate to high costs.

“Landfills need high density, high weight material to make the most out of each cubic foot,” Scaldaferri says.

“They have such a limited lifespan and they need to maximize as much space as possible.”

No rejected loads

While other mattress recycling facilities charge surcharges or reject mattress loads that are wet, soiled or contaminated, Mattress RecyclingTM has the capability to process every kind of load.

“We’re a purpose-built facility,” Scaldaferri says.

“We don’t reject and we don’t surcharge for contamination. It doesn’t matter what condition the mattresses are in.”

Ease of use

Mattress RecyclingTM prioritizes its customers and strives for ease of use in all its services.

“We’re built to be a high-volume, convenient recycling supercentre. And we can do pick up and transportation to make it even easier,” Scaldaferri says.

The company’s Hope facility is set on three acres of industrial land with 22 loading bays, one grade drive-in entrance, and extended flexible gate access hours. It is currently building another 12,000-sq.ft. warehouse. Mattress RecyclingTM is also located at a junction of five major highways, making it easy to service municipalities and private clients throughout Western Canada.

Contribute to the circular economy

Mattress RecyclingTM gives discarded mattresses a second life.

The foam and quilting become carpet underlay. The steel from coils becomes new product.

From the waste, Mattress RecyclingTM also produces an alternative fuel that is used in cement kilns, which traditionally use coal or natural gas.

“We displace those fossil fuels by creating alternate fuel for them,” Scaldaferri says.

“For every BTU they buy from us, they aren’t using that fossil fuel.”

Legislation compliance

Mattresses, box springs and futons must be diverted from landfill and recycled in Metro Vancouver. The ban took effect in January 2011, the first of its kind for such a large region.

While Vancouver companies must recycle their mattresses, Mattress RecyclingTM works with its clients to remain compliant with ease.

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