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Insider trading: October 17, 2022

The following is a list of stock trades made by corporate executives, directors and other company insiders of B.C.’s public companies filed in the week ended Oct. 5, 2022. The information comes from a compilation of required reports filed with the BC Securities Commission and obtained from
Photo: Mike Wakefield

The following is a list of stock trades made by corporate executives, directors and other company insiders of B.C.’s public companies filed in the week ended Oct. 5, 2022. The information comes from a compilation of required reports filed with the BC Securities Commission and obtained from

Insider Amar Doman, director
Company: Doman Building Materials Group Ltd. (TSX:DBM)
Shares owned: 16,616,820
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $204,160
Trade: Acquisition of 35,200 shares at a price of $5.80 per share

Insider John Kim, director
Company: Well Health Technologies Corp. (TSX:WELL)
Shares owned: 508,379
Trade date: Sept. 30
Trade total: $153,000
Trade: Sale of 50,000 shares at a price of $3.06 per share

Insider Christopher Stuart Murray, director
Company: Lithiumbank Resources Corp. (TSX-V:LBNK)
Shares owned: 735,000
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $131,900
Trade: Acquisition of 182,000 shares at prices from $0.70 to $0.73 per share

Insider Frederic Leigh, 10% owner
Company: Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd. (TSX-V:GQ)
Shares owned: 0
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $62,770
Trade: Sale of 6,277,000 shares at a price of $0.01 per share

Insider Charles Michael O’Brian, director
Company: Unisync Corp. (TSX:UNI)
Shares owned: 361,447
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $60,000
Trade: Acquisition of 25,000 shares at a price of $2.40 per share

Insider Jack Oliver Lundin, director
Company: Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX-V:BSR)
Shares owned: 1,260,430
Trade date: Oct. 3
Trade total: $59,490
Trade: Acquisition of 100,000 shares at prices from $0.54 to $0.65 per share

Insider Roger Hardy, 10% owner
Company: Kits Eyecare Ltd. (TSX:KITS)
Shares owned: 1,827,164
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $55,357
Trade: Acquisition of 19,700 shares at a price of $2.81 per share

Insider Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, director
Company: Valhalla Metals Inc. (TSX-V:VMXX)
Shares owned: 7,431,661
Trade date: Sept. 29
Trade total: $50,400
Trade: Acquisition of 144,000 shares at a price of $0.35 per share 

Insider Kimberly Sunshine Saldanha, officer
Company: Finning International Inc. (TSX:FTT)
Shares owned: 7,288
Trade date: Sept. 30
Trade total: $46,706
Trade: Acquisition of 1,930 shares at a price of $24.20 per share

Insider Tom Macneill, 10% owner
Company: Norse Gold Corp. (TSX-V:VKG)
Shares owned: 2,281,000
Trade date: Oct. 3
Trade total: $40,000
Trade: Acquisition of 2,000,000 shares at a price of $0.02 per share

Insider Louis-Pierre Gignac, officer
Company: G Mining Ventures Corp. (TSX-V:GMIN)
Shares owned: 38,250
Trade date: Sept. 29, 30
Trade total: $38,250
Trade: Acquisition of 60,000 shares at prices from $0.63 to $0.65 per share

Insider Kathleen McClay, 10% owner
Company: Golden Pursuit Resources Ltd. (TSX:GDP)
Shares owned: 3,453,333
Trade date: Sept. 30, Oct. 3, 4
Trade total: $32,090
Trade: Acquisition of 218,000 shares at prices from $0.14 to $0.16 per share