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Insider trading: November 8, 2021

The following is a list of stock trades made by corporate executives, directors and other company insiders of B.C.’s public companies filed in the week ended October 27, 2021. The information comes from a compilation of required reports filed with the BC Securities Commission obtained from

The following is a list of stock trades made by corporate executives, directors and other company insiders of B.C.’s public companies filed in the week ended October 27, 2021. The information comes from a compilation of required reports filed with the BC Securities Commission obtained from

Insider Blair Lawrence Naughty, 10% Owner
Company: Phoenix Gold Resources Corp. (TSX-V:PXA)
Shares owned: 4,931,500
Trade date: October 25, 27
Trade total: $264,000
Trade: Sale of 650,000 shares at process from $0.40 to $0.44 per share

Insider Pierre Lassonde, 10% owner
Company: Rubicon Organics Inc. (CVE:ROMJ)
Shares owned: 4,359,613
Trade date: October 22
Trade total: $208,750
Trade: Acquisition of 83,500 shares at a price of $2.50 per share

Insider Marcus Arthur New, director
Company: Hive Block Technologies Ltd. (TSX-V:HIVE)
Shares owned: 283,000
Trade date: October 27
Trade total: $189,200
Trade: Sale of 44,000 shares at a price of $4.30 per share

Insider Akiba Jacob Issachar Leisman, director
Company: Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V:MKO)
Shares owned: 12,142,734
Trade date: October 25, 26
Trade total: $89,300
Trade: Sale 235,000 shares at a price of $0.38 per share

Insider Ali Tajskandar, 10% owner
Company: Wishpond Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:WISH)
Shares owned: 5,189,477
Trade date: October 22, 25
Trade total: $69,352
Trade: Acquisition of 57,000 shares at prices from $1.20 to $1.24 per share

Insider Craig Allan Steinke, subsidiary of issuer
Company: Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. (CVE:RECO)
Shares owned: 5,522,697
Trade date: October 25
Trade total: $57,100
Trade: Acquisition of 10,000 shares at a price of $5.71 per share

Insider Craig Andrew Parry, 10% owner
Company: Outback Goldfields Corp. (CNSX:OZ)
Shares owned: 5,853,500
Trade date: October 26
Trade total: $39,585
Trade: Acquisition of 188,500 shares at a price of $0.21 per share

Insider Shawn Moniz, 10% owner
Company: Plant&Co. Brands Ltd. (CNSX:VEGN)
Shares owned: 2,773,799
Trade date:  October 25, 26, 27
Trade total: $27,855
Trade: Sale of 143,500 shares at prices from $0.19 to $0.20 per share

Insider Curtis Floyd, director
Company: Next Green Holdings Inc. (CNSX:NGW)
Shares owned: 11,871,516
Trade date: October 22, 25, 26
Trade total: $27,340
Trade: Acquisition of 89,500 shares at prices from $0.30 to $0.32 per share  

Insider Neil S. Subin, 10% owner
Company: Scully Royalty Ltd. (NYSE:SRL)
Shares owned: 180,000
Trade date: October 22
Trade total: US$ 26,175
Trade: Sale of 2,452 shares at a price of US$11.14 per share

Insider Gregg J. Sedun, director
Company: Northstar Clean Technologies Inc. (CVE:ROOF)
Shares owned: 1,627,261
Trade date: October 22, 25
Trade total: $23,400
Trade: Acquisition of 60,000 shares at prices from $0.38 to $0.40 per share

Insider Terrance Lyndon Nixon, director
Company: Mission Ready Solutions Inc. (TSX-V:MRS)
Shares owned: 1,297,00
Trade date: October 22, 25, 26, 27
Trade total: $21,900
Trade: Acquisition of 109,500 shares at a price of $0.20 per share