Being sued by a Saskatchewan landlord for $47,181 has done nothing to slow sales at 29-year-old gay-niche bookstore Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium Inc., co-owner Jim Deva told Business in Vancouver Friday.
"It's a difference in interpretation," said Deva, who owns Little Sisters on Davie Street with life partner Bruce Smyth. "Business is not too bad. It's always good in the lead-up to Pride. This is our Christmas."
The lawsuit surrounds Sweet Adult Boutique, at 1402 West Broadway – an adult boutique that Deva and Smyth opened one year ago.
Landlord 628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. alleges in its notice of civil claim, dated August 2, that Little Sisters owners contracted to buy a lease for Sweet Adult Boutique for $50,000.
The lessor was Gaerber Ventures Ltd., owned by Edgar Gaerber.
628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. owed Gaerber $2,989 and requested that Little Sisters owners pay the entire $50,000 lease purchase price to Gaerber on behalf of Gaerber Ventures Ltd., it alleges.
Gaerber would then deduct the $2,989 that 628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. owed him and then forward the remaining $47,181 to 628985 Saskatchewan Ltd., according to the notice of civil claim.
628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. alleges that Little Sisters paid $2,989 but not the remaining $47,181.
The net result is that 628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. still owes Gaerber $47,181, alleges 628985 Saskatchewan Ltd. in its lawsuit.
None of these allegations has been proven in court.