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New website is portal to northern B.C. economy

Hundreds of businesses, non-profit groups, First Nations communities and local governments in central and northern B.C. are showcasing their economic development projects via the new Building A Stronger North website.

Hundreds of businesses, non-profit groups, First Nations communities and local governments in central and northern B.C. are showcasing their economic development projects via the new Building A Stronger North website. 

Over $1 billion in new investment in the region is creating more than 5,000 jobs across 40 communities.

The new website, run by the Northern Development Initiative Trust, demonstrates how central and northern BC communities are working to develop sectors that are crucial to the province’s economy. These include such industries as mining and mineral exploration, forestry and bioenergy, tourism, transportation and mountain pine beetle economic recovery.

Gerald Wesley, vice-chair of Northern Development and chief negotiator for the Tsimshian First Nations Treaty Society, said, “This is a fabulous resource we can use to connect with other businesses, First Nations and non-profits so we can learn from each other and build on an already strong network.”

Northern Development’s goal is to ensure communities excel at maximizing funding opportunities to create new opportunities and invest in quality of life across the region.

Jennifer Harrison

[email protected]
