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Non-payment alleged on defence subcontract

A subcontractor who provided excavation and backfilling services to the Ministry of National Defence's Seaforth Armoury Project is suing Bulldog Demolition and Recycling for allegedly failing to pay $564,972 for the services provided.
, Non-payment alleged on defence subcontract

A subcontractor who provided excavation and backfilling services to the Ministry of National Defence's Seaforth Armoury Project is suing Bulldog Demolition and Recycling for allegedly failing to pay $564,972 for the services provided.

Denny Steven Klein, carrying on business as Inklein Construction, filed a notice of civil claim in BC Supreme Court on November 14. He claims he signed on with Bulldog, itself a subcontractor on the project, to haul 12,000 cubic metres of excavated fill away from the site for $400,000, to be paid out on periodic invoices within 30 days. Klein also claims that Bulldog agreed to pay $33.33 per cubic metre of any extra fill that exceeded the original 12,000.

In all, Klein claims his company hauled 22,386 cubic metres of fill away from the site over the summer of 2013. But at the time of filing suit, Klein alleges that Bulldog has paid out only $135,000, leaving a $564,972 balance on the contract.

None of the allegations has been proven in court and 0958831 B.C. Ltd., which carries on business as Bulldog Demolition and Recycling, had not filed a response by press time.