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Northern B.C. releases skills-training plans

In a move to address huge projected skills needs in B.C.’s north, the province’s northeast and northwest regions have just released skills-training plans.
British Columbia, employer, geography, labour market, Northern B.C. releases skills-training plans

In a move to address huge projected skills needs in B.C.’s north, the province’s northeast and northwest regions have just released skills-training plans.

The region-led plans have been completed by the Northeast and Northwest Regional Workforce Tables. According to the provincial government, the groups “brought together key leaders from industry, employers, labour, First Nations, training service providers, educators, economic development organizations and others to identify key opportunities in the regions and the training needed to address them.”

The plans focus on matching existing training programs with local jobs. According to the government, the regional workforce tables reviewed and analyzed regional labour market demand and supply, local training opportunities and potential gaps in regional training.

The regional workforce tables were funded through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement.

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