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Kevin Hatch

Q&A, Forty Under 40 Winner 2021, president and founder, Twin Lions Contracting Ltd., 38

Who or what is responsible for your work ethic? 

I’ve always been driven to succeed for people and not let them down. I have an amazing team that inspires me to always push forward. My mom’s work ethic has also always been a huge motivation for me. 

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Sports have always been a huge outlet for me. Sneaking out for a round of golf every now and then is definitely a guilty pleasure these days.

What is the best book you would recommend?  

Lately anything escapism is what I’m into to help shut the mind down after a crazy day. I’m currently reading Wheel of Time. 

Now that you are (or are close to) entering your forties, what goals have you set for yourself?  

I would love to drop 40 pounds of pandemic and new baby weight by 40. I would also love to see our second company Millwerks progress to the stage Twin Lions is at.

What was your childhood career dream?

It rotated between being a professional athlete in football, hockey or baseball.

Name your happiest place.  

Maui with my wife and my daughters is my happy place. Can’t wait to get back there!

What was your toughest business or professional decision? 

Hiring a business consultant, and hiring a controller. Both came at times where we didn’t necessarily have the capacity for it, however both became the best things I ever did for the business.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

Don’t be afraid to hold your hand up when you are wrong, and don’t be afraid to look dumb. We are all wrong sometimes and we are all dumb sometimes. Accepting and learning from these instances is how we grow.

What is your best habit?  

To-do lists and my schedule are my gospel.

Tell us one improbable fact about yourself.  

I absolutely love Lego. Loved it as a kid and now love building it with my daughter. I find it therapeutic.

Best piece of advice ever received?  

Bend over backwards for your clients and early adopters. They will be your biggest advocates later down the road.

Biggest learning (about life or business) during the pandemic?

Supporting your community personally and professionally. Social and corporate responsibility should be a cornerstone of any business.

What career highlight are you most proud of?

I had an epiphany while sitting in a meeting that my management was leading: that Twin Lions could run independently and drive its own company culture without my direct input. That was a great day!