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FortisBC natural gas rates to drop

The BC Utilities Commission has approved a price decrease for FortisBC natural gas and propane in most parts of B.C. in 2012 and 2013. For Lower Mainland homeowners and businesses, the price for natural gas will decrease by 1.
British Columbia Utilities Commission, Fortis Inc., geography, Lower Mainland, natural gas, prices, Whistler, FortisBC natural gas rates to drop

The BC Utilities Commission has approved a price decrease for FortisBC natural gas and propane in most parts of B.C. in 2012 and 2013.

For Lower Mainland homeowners and businesses, the price for natural gas will decrease by 1.6% – about $14 over a year for the average household.

Not all regions of B.C. will see natural gas prices go down, however. Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast and Powell River will have their natural gas rates frozen at 2011 levels for most customers for a two-year period effective January 1, 2012.

Rates will also stay at 2011 levels for Fort Nelson for a year, effective January 1, 2012.

The decreases are not related to commodity prices, but to the cost of delivering the gas.

FortisBC's annual operating and maintenance costs are lower than expected, so the BCUC has adjusted the price the natural gas utility can charge.

"After reviewing our revenue requirement application, the BCUC has provided a decision which will see most customers' delivery portion of the bill decrease slightly from interim rates effective January," said Roger Dall'Antonia, vice-president of strategic planning, corporate development and regulatory affairs for FortisBC.

The new rates will show up on customers' bills beginning this Friday. The changed rates will be retroactive to January 1, 2012.

The decreases for average residential and business customers are:

  • Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Interior, North Kootenays – $14 (1.6%) per year;
  • Whistler – $31 (2.1%) per year;
  • Revelstoke – $8 (0.7%) for 2012 only.

[email protected]
