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Rattan Bagga

Q&A,, Forty Under 40 Winner 2021; CEO, Jiva Organics, Age 36

Q&A with Rattan Bagga, Forty Under 40 Winner 2021;  CEO, Jiva Organics, Age 36

Who or what is responsible for your work ethic?

My father. I watched him leave his homeland behind at the age of 45 and start from scratch in Vancouver, working tirelessly to build a business with his brothers and a wonderful life for his family. 

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Hot chocolate and a vegan very berry muffin from JJ Bean. 

What is the best book you would recommend?

My favourite new book is Catapult, written by a great friend of mine, Punit Dhillon. It’s a fascinating take on bridging sports and business. 

Now that you are (or are close to) entering your forties, what goals have you set for yourself?

To raise my daughters to be virtuous, and serve as their role model through my personal and professional life. I want them to be proud of the businesses and philanthropic organizations their father helped build. 

What was your childhood career dream?
Professional cricket player. 

Name your happiest place.

Anywhere my wife and daughters are. 

What was your toughest business or professional decision?

Spearheading the rebranding for our two flagship brands, keeping in mind the history and the consumer connection they had while reintroducing them to attract newer demographics. 

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? 

Travel, read and invest. 

What is your best habit?


Tell us one improbable fact about yourself.

I make the best vegan pancakes in the world! 

Best piece of advice ever received?

Anything you can buy with money is cheap. While not meant to be taken literally, I have found the adage to ring truer as I get older and cherish my relationships and experiences more than anything in my life.

Biggest learning (about life or business) during the pandemic?

On the business front — the resiliency and ability of people to work together to fight adversity. On the personal front — it’s the smallest moments with those closest to you that make life worth living. 

What career highlight are you most proud of?

Being able to provide food during the pandemic reaffirmed the importance of our industry and the privileged role we have in serving others.