The average cost per litre for gasoline at gas pumps in Vancouver dipped in July, according to data released August 19 by MJ Ervin & Associates, a division of the Kent Group.
The average price per litre was $1.49 in July. This is a drop of almost 4% from $1.52 in June. Vancouverites pay the most per litre in Canada, with the second-highest prices seen in Montreal at $1.42. More than a third of the price paid in Vancouver - $0.49 per litre – went to taxes
The average price of gas across Canada was $1.35 in July, down almost 3% from $1.39 in July.
Canadians continue to pay considerably more for gas than Americans. Adjusted for currency exchange rates, drivers south of the border paid on average $1.08 per litre in July, which reflects a decrease of 1.7% compared with $1.10 in June. In July, only 17%, or just over 15%, of the amount paid per litre went to taxes.