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Gas price at the pump dips in July, but Vancouver still pays the most in the country

The average cost per litre for gasoline at gas pumps in Vancouver dipped in July, according to data released August 19 by MJ Ervin & Associates, a division of the Kent Group.
prices, Gas price at the pump dips in July, but Vancouver still pays the most in the country

The average cost per litre for gasoline at gas pumps in Vancouver dipped in July, according to data released August 19 by MJ Ervin & Associates, a division of the Kent Group.

The average price per litre was $1.49 in July. This is a drop of almost 4% from $1.52 in June. Vancouverites pay the most per litre in Canada, with the second-highest prices seen in Montreal at $1.42. More than a third of the price paid in Vancouver - $0.49 per litre – went to taxes

The average price of gas across Canada was $1.35 in July, down almost 3% from $1.39 in July.

Canadians continue to pay considerably more for gas than Americans. Adjusted for currency exchange rates, drivers south of the border paid on average $1.08 per litre in July, which reflects a decrease of 1.7% compared with $1.10 in June. In July, only 17%, or just over 15%, of the amount paid per litre went to taxes.
