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The Art of Marketing: A One-Day MBA

By Peter Caulfield How is it that some marketing ideas survive – and thrive – while others fall to the wayside and die? Chip Heath's keynote address at The Art of Marketing conference will explain why.

By Peter Caulfield

How is it that some marketing ideas survive – and thrive – while others fall to the wayside and die?

Chip Heath's keynote address at The Art of Marketing conference will explain why. Heath’s presentation, which takes place April 15, 2015, will be based on his bestseller Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.

The book begins by relating the gruesome urban legend of a man who succumbs to a barroom flirtation and wakes up in a tub of ice, victim of an organ-harvesting ring.

What makes us believe – and share – such stories? Heath and his co-author brother credit six key principles: Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions and Stories. (SUCCES) They illustrate these principles with a host of stories.

Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling The Tipping Point, Made To Stick is an entertaining and practical guide to effective communication.

Drawing on psychosocial studies on memory, emotion and motivation, their study shows how to make ideas unforgettable, or “sticky.” 

Scattered throughout the book there are sidebars that show how to make bland messages catchy.

In addition to Made To Stick, Heath is co-author of three New York Times best-selling business books. A professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, he specializes in courses on business strategy.


The Art of Marketing conference is also hosting branding expert Martin Lindstrom, one of TIME Magazine’s World’s 100 Most Influential People. He will speak about the psychology behind marketing.

Lindstrom's presentation will be based on his bestselling book, Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy.

Lindstrom has carved out a niche as a pioneer in the related fields of consumer psychology, marketing, branding and neuro-scientific research.

Nir Eyal, consultant and bestselling author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, will discuss how to identify successful ideas and how to create profitable products around these ideas. Hooked was recently listed as one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 10 Marketing Books of 2014.
Dr. Robert Cialdini, bestselling author of  Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, will show how to establish authority and increase your influence by altering your vocabulary and behavior.

Customer loyalty expert Jackie Huba will top off this year's line-up with her presentation on Loyalty Lessons from Lady Gaga, in which she uncovers the how-to on creating an immense following for your brand, whether it is personal or corporate.

In addition to the five presentations, the one-day event will include networking opportunities, as well as a lunch break and executive panel discussion.

The Art of Marketing co-founder Christopher Novais says the program is for people who are responsible for, or who have an impact on, marketing in their organizations.

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“We also have many entrepreneurs attend, as they oversee all aspects of their business,” he said. “In recent years we have seen many students attending the event, to gain a competitive advantage when they are ready to enter the workforce.”

Novais calls The Art of Marketing “a one-day MBA.”

“It contains many valuable lessons from the thought leaders who are changing the way we market today,” he said.

The Art of Marketing is the fifth consecutive year the event will be held in Vancouver.
With about 1,300 of the city's top marketing professionals expected to attend this year, The Art of Marketing is sure to sell out once again.

The event takes place April 15, 2015 from 8:30AM to 5:00PM in Ballroom ABC in Vancouver Convention Centre East.

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