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Daylighting at work: it's time we let the light in, strategically

What's your relationship to your office window?

What's your relationship to your office window? This may seem like a funny question to ask, but windows can be some of the most complex aspects of the office environment.

During the day, windows provide us with light, views, and ventilation. They are double-paned (or single-paned, or triple-paned) portals to the outside world and help keep British Columbia's inclement winter weather out. However, when the sun is high in the sky, sunlight can beam through windows into our office spaces, creating glare and producing unwanted heat.

"Nothing beats daylight in terms of quality of light," confirms Power Smart engineer Cristian Suvagau. "Good daylighting means you need to manage sunlight. This can be done with shades or other lighting controls, like dimmers, that allow artificial light to complement daylight."

"Daylighting practices are not just limited to sunny spots, like B.C.'s Okanagan or California," says Suvagau. "Contrary to popular belief, lighting your office or small business with daylight is possible in grey-skied British Columbia. You just need to make the most of side light and top light."

Side light is easy enough to understand; it's the light that comes in through windows. But top light?

"One of the most overlooked cost-saving opportunities when it comes daylighting is the use of top light, or light provided by a skylight," says Suvagau. And while proper installation and consideration for B.C.'s wet and snowy winter weather is a must, Suvagau says skylights are an excellent way to illuminate infrequently-used corridors in restaurants, hotels, retail shops, and small offices, and common areas in residential buildings.

It's no secret that many small business customers feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to daylighting.

Lighting infrequently-used spaces, like an office hallway or parkade at 2 a.m., feels like a waste of money. Yet concerns about personal safety and roadblocks raised by landlords — such as cost, construction, timing, and the impact on other tenants — can keep things at a standstill.

If this sounds familiar, says Suvagau, consider installing motion sensors or talk to your landlord about the benefits of lighting controls. On/off switches (the kind in our homes), motion sensors and timers (think holiday lights) can be a happy medium.

"In fact, the Power Smart Express program is a great resource," says Suvagau. "Power Smart Express provides all BC Hydro business customers with financial incentives that can cover up to 75 per cent of the cost of an energy-efficiency upgrade."

"In 10 years, none of us will recognize lighting as we know it today [in 2014]," Suvagau proclaims. "Lighting will no longer be about turning bulbs on and off. Lighting will be an experience."

Mood-setting controls, lights that automatically dim or adjust to complement daylight, and LEDs that capture and emulate colour, will become the new norm.

And with that, we'll ask again, what's your relationship to your office window?