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Influential Women in Business



Tickets are now on sale for Business in Vancouver's 2025 Influential Women in Business Awards.

Five to six exceptional female leaders will be recognized at an annual awards luncheon March 7, 2025. Award recipients have been recognized by their peers as leaders in their respective fields. They also contribute their time and expertise to the broader B.C. business community through board and committee work, as advisors and mentors, and through philanthropy and non-profit initiatives.

2025 Sponsors

Gold Sponsors



Western University

2024 Michelle Pockey Leadership Award Recipient

As a prominent lawyer and community activist, Michelle Pockey dedicated herself to making a positive difference in the world. A winner of the Influential Women in Business Award in 2016, Michelle worked tirelessly for 20 years advancing women in business, law, First Nations and non-traditional sectors. She was an inspiration to others every day of her life until her passing from cancer in June 2016.

To help support Michelle’s legacy and advance other women along their leadership journeys, Business in Vancouver and Minerva BC, proudly supported by Vancity, have partnered to recognize this exceptional female leader through the creation of the Michelle Pockey Leadership Award. This award gives first priority to an Indigenous woman and single parents, and second priority to women pursuing law, justice, Indigenous or environmental studies.


Shayla Chalifoux

Shayla Chalifoux currently works at a native plant nursery and is enrolled in the St'át'imc language fluency certificate. Her hope is to continue to a diploma and potentially further to a degree program. Chalifoux is applying for the 2024 Aboriginal Management Program through the Ch'nook Indigenous Business School at UBC to support her ongoing business endeavours and to build on her existing leadership and professional skills.

Her professional goals include starting a native plant and pest management consulting business (Shaylish Indigenous Plant Selections) to help indigenize plant spaces, increase biodiversity and nurture a deeper connection to the tmicw (land). She plans to expand her business to include integrated pest management consulting.

She is a guardian for her niece who lives with her full-time.