Prominent B.C. businessman and billionaire David Ho, founder of now-defunct Harmony Airways Inc., has pleaded guilty to unlawful confinement of a woman at his home and possessing an unregistered loaded firearm.
The incident occurred December 28, 2008.
In 2009, Business in Vancouver reported the charges that Ho was facing in connection with the incident. Charges included:
- • unlawful confinement;
- • unlawfully causing bodily harm;
- • unauthorized possession of a firearm;
- • possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition;
- • storage of a firearm contrary to regulations;
- • possession of a prohibited weapon without a licence; and
- • two counts of possession of Schedule 1 controlled substances.
(See “Trouble: prominent businessman faces criminal charges” – Business in Vancouver, issue 1042, October 13-19, 2009).
At the time, police alleged that Ho had made contact with a woman on a chat line, taken her home, and blocked her ability to leave.
In April 2007, Business in Vancouver reported the end of scheduled service and the layoff of 350 employees at Ho’s Harmony Airways.
At the time, the company said that the viability of its business had been undermined by:
- • maintaining an upscale service;
- • dealing with rising fuel costs; and
- • relentless fare competition from Air Canada and WestJet.
See “Troubled Vancouver airline ditches scheduled service, considers charter option” – Business in Vancouver, issue 910, April 3-9, 2007).
Ho’s father founded Hong Kong Tobacco Co. Ltd.
Jenny Wagler