The City of Vancouver’s unexplained firing of planning director Brent Toderian is likely to weigh on the minds of future city planners February 2-4 when Simon Fraser University hosts the 2012 Canadian Association of Planning Students conference.
Officially on the agenda, however, will be the impact of the Occupy movement on public spaces and the future of First Nations communities.
Toderian’s predecessor, Larry Beasley, will be a keynote speaker, as will SFU City Program director Gordon Price and Tufts University professor Julian Agyeman.
The event is billed as being an opportunity for students from across the country to gain a greater understanding of issues facing urban, regional and resource planning in Canada.
“The conference is unquestionably the best opportunity to personally interact and network with planning students from across Canada as well as professionals during my studies at SFU,” said conference organizer Bastian Ziegler, who is a graduate student at SFU’s School of Resource and Environmental Management.
“It offers a great chance to broaden my horizons and discuss ideas with my future colleagues and it helps me to scope out opportunities for my own career.”
Glen Korstrom