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Election 2024 Riding Brief: Vancouver-West End

This is one of 93 riding briefs that will be published ahead of the 2024 provincial election.
Vancouver-West End Electoral District
  • Current MLA: Spencer Chandra Herbert, BC NDP (first elected in 2009)
  • Candidates:
    • BC NDP: Spencer Chandra Herbert
    • BC United: None nominated yet
    • BC Greens: None nominated yet
    • BC Conservatives: Jon Ellacott (2020 BC Liberal)
  • Description:
    • When this riding was still called Vancouver-Burrard, Lorne Mayencourt of the BC Liberals won two terms in 2001 and 2005.
    • The riding flipped to the BC NDP’s Spencer Chandra Herbert in a 2008 by-election and has stayed orange ever since.
    • The BC NDP does best in Davie Village, usually securing more than 70% of all cast ballots. Meanwhile, the BC Liberals have usually fared best in Coal Harbour, which they only narrowly lost in the NDP’s 2020 landslide. 
    • The riding is a mix of old and young, and largely composed of renters. I also features the province’s largest Latin American community.
    • The BC Greens managing to secure second place would bode well for a future shot at flipping the seat once Herbert retires. In a sign of the times, the BC Conservatives have nominated Jon Ellacott, who ran for the BC Liberals here in 2020.
  • Election 2020 Results (with 2024 boundaries):
    • BC NDP – 62%
    • BC Liberals – 20%
    • BC Greens – 16%
    • Other – 1%

Hugh Chan is a second year student at UBC studying International Relations and Data Science. You can find more coverage of the 2024 BC election as well as politics across East Asia and the Anglosphere at

Map courtesy of Elections BC